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Onsite Energy as a Service - The Best De-risked Decarbonization Solution for Commercial and Industrial Clean Power Buyers

While the challenge is still well underway, the transition to decarbonizing our economies is in full swing.

At the head of the charge? Corporate leaders and decision-makers - particularly those in commercial and industrial sectors.

Corporate buyers are strongly accelerating the clean power purchase in the path to net-zero. Till now, this has been led by the tech giants such as Google, Microsoft, Meta and similar. Other corporates especially the publicly listed companies are making public announcement on decarbonization goals and net-zero roadmap, driven by the need to demonstrate sustainability leadership to preserve brand reputation as well as attract and retain employees who choose to work for company with a strong sustainability and ESG agenda. Even though the corporates are making sustainability commitments and announcing their sustainability goals publicly, only a few of the corporates have a clear roadmap to achieve those goals, staying clear from “greenwashing” and having the need to demonstrate sustainability leadership.

So, it begs the question; what can Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and operations leaders in the commercial and industrial markets do to better plan and prepare for a decarbonized future? And what strategies can provide a safe harbor solution that reduces risk and need for capital investment while building energy resilience, predictability, and compliance in an increasingly unstable market?

GreenStruxure: Long term partner for Commercial and Industrial leaders to help achieve their decarbonization goals.
Commercial and Industrial leaders face the daunting challenge of developing and executing decarbonization strategies for their respective companies. While some companies are further along in their journey to net zero than others, almost every leader will need to navigate the complexities of hedging against the rising energy costs and investing in clean energy, managing the energy management assets, reporting on sustainability as part of extra financial reporting and complying to GHG protocols and upcoming SEC Climate Disclosure mandates, as well as ensuring business continuity and resiliency, making it a multi-faceted challenge that must be approached carefully.

GreenStruxure solves the challenges faced by Chief Sustainability Officers
Chief Sustainability officer (CSO) role is gaining strategic importance with the rise of stakeholder capitalism and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance), and a clear demonstration that sustainability is a strategic topic for companies. The sustainability leader develops the organization's ESG ambition and net-zero strategy as well as driving the initiatives to achieve the goals by engaging with internal and external stakeholders. They are responsible for selecting appropriate decarbonization solutions and demonstrating environmental leadership that preserves a company’s brand reputation and steer clear of greenwashing - a common form of misinformation used by commercial and industrial companies to capture the attention of “green consumers”.

Another challenge for CSOs is the complexities of corporate ESG reporting as well as ensuring accuracy and integrity of data that is auditable. They need to not only understand the GHG protocol for Scope 1,2,3 emissions but also accurately report the progress to internal and external stakeholders. Data collection can be complex and time-consuming, and data management is prone to human error and has limited traceability.
If the company is using Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to address and offset the emissions associated with electricity purchases, they need to ensure proper REC delivery and management.

How does GreenStruxure solve these challenges faced by Chief Sustainability officer?

GreenStruxure provides affordable, onsite, zero-carbon energy supply for companies to run the operations and reduces the exposure to the energy markets. It comes with guaranteed ‘additionality’ secured with a long-term Energy Service agreement. In 2022, RE100 Climate group revised its technical guidance on purchase of renewable electricity to observe a 15 year commissioning date limit, to demonstrate new renewable projects is key to the energy transition aka “additionality”.
GreenStruxure provides onsite energy services with top-of-class sustainability attributes.

With its sustainability services, GreenStruxure manages the REC lifecycle for its customer’ to reach net-zero goals. It maximizes the benefits for the customers leveraging states programs such renewable portfolio standards (RPS). GreenStruxure’ Beyondthegrid® AI platform has built-in reporting ledger compliant with GHG Protocol rules, so customer can download the Scope2 emissions report for site level and portfolio level. They also have the option to integrate with their corporate ESG reporting tools for seamless plug-in of the reports and data. The data is auditable and GreenStruxure’s Beyondthegrid® platform brings the insight and transparency.

With this, the sustainability leaders can clearly demonstrate their sustainability leadership at every level, bringing confidence to those with a stake in the business.

GreenStruxure solves the challenges faced by Chief Financial Officers
With ESG gaining prominence and the upcoming SEC Climate Disclosures mandates, Chief Financial Officers (CFO) are required to step-up in influencing the sustainability strategy. They need to integrate the sustainability strategy within the overall financial strategy and framework to meet the investor expectations, protect the market valuation, manage cashflow, cost and risks.

The market volatility and rising energy costs is putting pressure on CFO to limit their exposure. On top of that, they need to finance the transition to clean power strategy partnering with the sustainability leader on innovative solutions and business models with minimal risk and improved free cash flow. This could mean adopting Onsite Energy-as-a-Service solutions over a capex clean power investment, thus eliminating upfront investment. This upcoming SEC Climate Disclosure mandates also requires them to have a climate risk management strategy to ensure business resilience and continuity.

How does GreenStruxure solve these challenges faced by Chief Financial officer?

GreenStruxure is a safe-harbor solution for the CFOs. GreenStruxure’ innovative Energy-as-a-Service provides onsite zero-carbon energy services by locking in zero-carbon energy rates for the life of a contract - all without CapEx or upfront capital. It brings the best levelized cost of electricity for solar and battery energy storage systems. With the derisked energy service agreement for the contract term, the CFOs can hedge the volatile cost of energy and sustainability to secure profitable business margins, as well as get an optimized utility bill protected from utility tariff impacts. All this comes with a best-in-class customer services and field services support during operations phase.

GreenStruxure’ resilience service provides the business continuity and keep the operations running during grid outages. With the expected increase in frequency and magnitude of climate related events disrupting the operations, this service helps mitigate the business continuity risk and limit the financial impact.

GreenStruxure Beyondthegrid® AI Platform is the one-stop-shop for CFOs to manage the contracts and invoicing.

GreenStruxure solves the challenges of Chief Operations leaders

Operations leader are the heart of any company and need to bring together the individual constituents to run the operations smoothly and efficiently and deliver companies goals and ensure long-term success.

Their top priorities are driving productivity, operational efficiency and ensuring business continuity, however with the rise of ESG and increasing frequency of climate triggered events disrupting business operations, they need to comply to the sustainability goals and implement the climate related risk management roadmap. The upcoming SEC’ Climate Disclosure rules puts the spotlight on this. They need to de-risk company’s operations by ensuring reliable energy availability and protect process-critical assets from being damaged by poor power quality.

GreenStruxure’ Ultimate offer provides the Resilience services with a backup generation system that covers 100% of sites during power outages this ensuring zero impact to business operations. Additionally, it maximizes the share of renewable energy supplied to the site during grid outages, and all this contributes to the company’ sustainability goals of running a green and resilient operations.
Power quality services protect the customers and the life of their critical assets thus saving money in the long run. In addition, EV charging services helps boost employee satisfaction with its easy-to-use charging infrastructure services available in the customer’ premises.
With the best in class asset management and operations of GreenStruxure, the operational leaders can focus on their core business operations while the energy equipment, services, and contract are fully managed and operated by GreenStruxure.
GreenStruxure’ Beyondthegrid® AI Platform is the one-stop-shop for Operations Leader to manage the energy performance and they can reach out GreenStruxure’ 24x7 support and dedicated customer success manager for any support.

Contact here to schedule a customized executive briefing and learn more about how GreenStruxure can support your business on the path to decarbonization.

Visit the website https://www.greenstruxure.com